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Benefits that moves with you
Mobility programs aligned with your company policy

Tailored to meet all your company’s mobility needs, our solution helps HR teams manage different employee groups with different budgets and mobility options easily.

Custom mobility programs
Adapted to large workforces/your mobility policy

Our customisable programs will align with your company’s unique policies and goals. Skipr enables the management of the Federal Mobility Budget, of your public transport subscriptions, flexible commuting solutions, professional transportation expenses, mileage registration and much more.

Custom mobility programs
Activate the mobility options of your choice

You decide which mobility options you want to make available for your employees and give them easy access. We take care of respecting the legislations linked to mobility advantages and the impact it will have on your employees' budgets. No HR workload on your side.

Custom mobility programs
Public Transport Subscriptions

We manage the ordering and follow-up of the public transport subscriptions existing in your company, for all operators. From ordering, renewing to invoicing management. No manual tasks for your HR team on this side. 

Custom mobility programs
Manage your employees budgets

Customise and automate budget management for all employees. Ensure compliance and control with your mobility policy or to the changing legislation due to a restricted mobility payment card and mobile application.

Custom mobility programs
Add a specific verification process if you want extra controle on the mobility expenses.

Whether you require verification for expenses exceeding specific amounts or bulk validations, your team has the flexibility to adjust the process accordingly.

Ready to build your

mobility dream

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